Friday, May 21, 2004


I saw the movie "Troy" last week's Saturday. Four out of five people in the theatre have read the iliad and so have also probably also have read the Oddyssey. My review would be "Great movie! yatayatayata" and add in four stars. Anyway, it is an awesome film that has a few changes. A (not saying who unless you read the iliad) dies not during the time when the Trojan horse was in Troy but before. H, a Trojan prince dies from fighting with A not alone but during a battle. King A of Mycenae dies from his wife Clydemnestra from killing his daughter, Iphigenia, just so he can win the war. King Priam of Troy doesn't die. Menelaus (pronounced MènélAEus not menelauws)doesn't die.


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